Life's little twists and turns don't follow a specified recipe. I'm definitely okay with instability, amidst daily comforts, of course. This little bloggy is a firm example of random-ness. Truth defined by yours truly. Enjoy, or not, a peek into skewed opinions and spurts of subpar brilliance.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our modern day tragedy.

This isn't a political blog. BUT,

the situation in Israel and the Gaza strip/territory (Hamas, a.k.a BASTARDS, have set up shop here) is a treacherous mess. One can see that this is a modern day holocaust, with perhaps a flip-flopping of events (religions). The people of Israel should understand the suffering of their very own ancestors, not only in more recent history but for the last thousands and thousands of years, and should thus, fully grasp, if not deeply emphasize, with the innocent Palestinian people along the Gaza strip. It's arguable that Hamas is merely using these victims as targets for their own political agenda. (BASTARDS!) Perhaps equitable to the Hitler of another era? Then there's the alternative view - Hamas, loyal fighters, doing what they need to do to protect the poor and innocent Palestinian people. I'm not exactly buying into this perspective. Nor am I in favor of Israel attacking, and confining inoffensive people to a small strip of land. Many reports also suggest the Israeli's are not allowing humanitarian aid into the region either. Frankly, both parties royally suck.

Even so, I know less than half of the historical battle of these people and of these lands, but I do know that little children are being mass murdered for political gain. Any way you look it, it's fucking garbage. It needs to stop and a peace agreement must be made.
I'll leave you with some sad statistics:

A recent study reports that 46% of all Gazan children suffer from acute anemia. There are reports that the sonic booms associated with Israeli overflights have caused widespread deafness, especially among children. Malnutrition is extremely high and affects, in varying degrees, 75% of Gazans. Likewise, Gaza typically spends at least 12 hours a day without power. Basic drugs and medicine are no longer available. The generators for hospitals, vital to keep seriously ill patients alive, lack fuel and often do not function. Medical staff cannot control the temperature of incubators for newborns. Those who need specialized care, including cancer patients and those in need of kidney dialysis, often cannot leave Gaza for care. There were an estimated 230 Gazans believed to have died last year because they were denied proper medical care. Several of those patients spent their last hours at Israeli crossing points where they were refused entry into Israel.

Just shitty. To think I'm worlds apart from this crisis, and yet, so deeply touched by the magnitude of suffering.
What more can I do, but sigh in disbelief?

Madness re-defined (simplified version.)

Have a realistic view of what you desire from a person. When you think you've found somebody worth exploring, give to that person what you expect and more. All the while, know that people are people - perfection is not a quality anybody possesses. With this in mind, be yourself. The relationship can then be meaningful and well worth the time and effort spent.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Madness defined.

Expectations. Reality. Authenticity. Change.
Intentionality. Choice. Trust.
(the road to) Love.

We come to expect from our sought after partners. In time, real people come to fruition - authentic people surfacing beyond the superficial. Change weakens our perceived notions, as shock, if not betrayal, of our own misguidance, becomes the realization of blinding, false expectations. When the real person seeks the real person, however, the intentional changing of the heart deepens the love. A condition of the soul of propitious happening follows as the intensity of emotional attachment bonds a set of expectations molded between two authentic works of mind and body. A unanimous and trustworthy choice, forever changing the oneness that once was; all the while, remembering the naïveté in the seeking of the one that could be.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thoughts versus feelings take two.

Thoughts and logic justify reason.

Feelings and emotion redefine it.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Express yourself.

Holiday cheer and snow have kept me from my vigorous state of reflective writing. And let's face it, I'm such a deep, esoteric soul - I gather most people find me a tad mad. As it goes, I can't help but share my deliberate - a few may argue - ignorant, musings. Perhaps they're solely for me, and one other degenerate who accidentally falls upon this note.

Regardless, my latest contemplation: Thoughts v. Feelings.

In my contemplative mode, I must define the two in my little brain. But of course, thoughts convey to the listener what we are thinking, which are often referred to as cognitions. Feelings convey to the listener our emotional and/or physical states. Emotions can be distinguished as “feelings,” and physical feelings, as “sensations.” How we effectively express this data is important. Bottom line is this: it’s all data—feeling or emotional data, and thinking, cognitive or intellectual data. But the real significance lies in the ability to accurately send the data; the more accurate, the greater the chance at being appreciated and understood.

Sounds simple enough. NOT.

It's not an easy task, as it forces people to let down their guards, and to be put in a defenseless, exposed spot. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but many people struggle with this part of their authenticity. Who wants to be a susceptible sitting duck with a 12 gauge staring down the noggin? (Do ducks get shot in the head even? I really have no clue. What is a 12 gauge anyway? I really have no clue. This example really sucks.) I think I have a point though. Expressing oneself is, and again, not easy. Especially when it comes to the expression of feelings. Even so, most people want to be both appreciated and understood, and thus, an exploration of effort worth your while.

For fear of going on to the point of oblivion, let me finally stop here, and make this blurb worth the read, by extending to you the objective of how to be a successful sitting duck. I'm certain we've all heard the expression, I feel therefore I am. Okay so, not exactly verbatum, but close enough. Here's the cinch: Expose yourself. Or better yet, and if it helps, look to Madonna for personal influence. Although maybe not as philosophically-Rene Descartes-sound, she definitely has a convincing way of expressing this persuasion.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Mama didn't raise no fool.

I got to see two of my beautiful California people briefly this past Sunday. We met for coffee before they headed back to Sunnyland. (I'm not in the least jealous.) It was superb to see them, and I left the conversation feeling fulfilled for several reasons.

First of all, they're awesome. Secondly, they're awesome. But also, I walked away from the conversation with piece of mind. I sometimes question the legitimacy of my outlook and feelings, and often try to gain perspective via my family and friends. Hopefully this is not unlike most people. The feedback I receive from people I respect and admire is my tank filler at times, and insight that helps put my chaos into a more orderly mess.

Surprise, surprise! The topic of relationships came to the surface, and my married friends, of whom are expecting a baby boy, began to talk about their personal dating experience. The Mom-to-be, and fellow mate who has the great ability to tell it like it is (my kind of Mama!), states quite frankly, that she knew her Daddy-to-be was "the one" after their first kiss. I believe this was only their second date.

I sat in a state of "wow." Talk about knowing what you want, recognizing it, and not being afraid to embrace it. Mama even told her roommate at the time, following their second date, "I think this is the man I'm going to marry." In my book, that's ballsy, as it's essentially setting yourself up for a major let down. I mean, seriously, how can one be so sure? Mama went on to say, "Well, don't you know when it isn't right? Same is true for the alternative." Good point. Wise words my friend...

Thing is, and because it's more often 'not right', it becomes really easy to say "this isn't going to work." When you're faced with 'right', however, the said and done approach is not as appropriately utilized. But no matter what, it's still a process. Making a determination that this feels right, must subsequent an intentional follow through. For me though, the follow-up is where confusion lies. Shouldn't their be a road map to help guide situations such as this? Isn't their a time line that keeps the forward motion on an adapted sequential spectrum? Like (Cali at its finest!), for instance, we've known each other for such and such length of time, so therefore, I should be feeling this way at this very moment. Or, when we reach this marker on the defining spectrum, it's safe to define the status of the relationship in this way. Another marker determining yet another milestone, and so on...

Perhaps this works for some people. For me too when I'm not asking my friends for their incredible acumen. I think Mama is a true genius - always good to have these adept people around. Sure, time does reveal and time does alter the state of relationships. But when it's right, it's right. Time will certainly alter a right thing, arguably, making it that much more right.

Mama taught, or more accurately, re-taught me this: The direction on the road map and time line to get there is not defined in any particular way or order. Simply knowing you're on this adventurous road with the right person is more than enough guidance to get you there.

Meanwhile, enjoy the ride.