Ponder this for a second...
Live, evolve, die.
People who stand for nothing, desperately attempt to grab hold of the tangible, only to fall short at death. It's hard to be heard, even standing on rooftops, with these claims of nothing. In my book, being mute is one and the same. But just for a second, let's take the time to hear the words of nothing. "Shh, listen." What do you hear? I don't know about you, but other than the fine mist of rain tapping on my window, still, nothing. "Wait, look closer." Darwin bumper sticker staring at your morning coffee on your car ride commute to work. "See it? Hear it?" Newsflash: you're seeing and hearing a whole lot of nothin'.
Evolution is arguably a natural part of our existence. But a cause? A foundation? A purpose? Hardly a principle worth a fight. To even rally for or against creation v. evolution is a losing battle, as they're far from opposites. Apart from something and nothing that is. One has a stance. One does not. But this doesn't stop the Nothing Crew from fighting for their purpose, their maker, their motivator. Oddly enough, we can all agree on this: Death is a part of life.
Maybe we can all agree on this too: Ironically, the Something Crew may have the clear advantageous trait when it comes to the final natural selection process. The nothing, well, perhaps they'll end up on a Dante version of the Galapagos Islands with thousands of like-minded peppered moth friends in their after life? Sounds like good times ahead...
“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” (Some insignificant guy said this. Albert Einstein something or other.)
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