A path, a focus, a passion, a dream - for many people, having these things is par for the course, but needing a defined road to get there isn't necessarily necessary. Without argument, the future cannot be defined with any absolutes beforehand. Playing Russian Roulette and winning on occasion is not an argument I'm seeking here. For the sake of keeping it simple, what if you do end up someplace else? The unpredictable, blind faith approach to life is far more adventurous than a calculated, and arguably, self-manipulated, brain washing attempt at living your life to the fullest will ever be. Trust me, you'll fall short with the latter. Expectations are a sad set up for failure.
Live life now, and if anything, put trust in getting there. Wherever there is. Besides, it's not going anywhere, is it? Expect it to be there, just don't make yourself any false promises.
A wise man once said: "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." ~Yogi Berra
Play ball people!
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