Life's little twists and turns don't follow a specified recipe. I'm definitely okay with instability, amidst daily comforts, of course. This little bloggy is a firm example of random-ness. Truth defined by yours truly. Enjoy, or not, a peek into skewed opinions and spurts of subpar brilliance.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Erasable Bic.

Marriage has nothing to do with tax breaks. Marriage isn't a contract either. Nor does it have anything to do with signing above the dotted line. The same can be done with a dissolution of marriage, making the so-called contract null and void. Precisely why I stray away from the idea of simplifying a marriage to a contractual agreement between two people. Two people can't possibly be bound to paper and ink. This concept is a recipe for failure - explaining the 50% American divorce rate amongst these short-term arrangements.

Marriage, unfortunately, has become a sad display of signature inkage and the gaining of tax credits, only to eventually succumb to more inkage (dissolving of union via irreconciable differences) and the splitting of assets. Despite the outcome, I'm all for uniting in love to dissipate in hate. Should not everyone be given the right to such choice? Absolutely. Civil unions are an absolute.

Marriage, a God centered commitment, however, is for those individuals who desire a lasting union, not the fickle one involving the erasable ink ballpoint pen. What's the point of signing with a Sharpie when the option to dissolute is available? Use the Bic if that's the objective and potential end-game plan.

Marriage in my googly eyes is meant to last, which in the religious context, is the meaning of the ceremony and of the everlasting union. It's a God centered promise. For this reason, it's meant to be kept within the confines of it's original notion - meant to be unchanged, and from a liberal standpoint and perspective, this is a rarity when I say, marriage is meant to be non-progressive. This definition of permanency is what makes marriage so special to so many people. Respecting the covenant, and respecting the religious beliefs of those individuals who base marriage on the primitive, authentic, if not, antecedent definition, is the state of marriage that should be maintained. If you fall within this credence, then marriage is for you. Otherwise, pray to your spouse that your undying love will last for all eternity or you can always get the prenuptial.

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