Life's little twists and turns don't follow a specified recipe. I'm definitely okay with instability, amidst daily comforts, of course. This little bloggy is a firm example of random-ness. Truth defined by yours truly. Enjoy, or not, a peek into skewed opinions and spurts of subpar brilliance.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Old fashioned donut.

Upon meeting somebody for the first time, you never EVER get the real person. It's ALWAYS a display of what that person wants to reveal. And if somebody argues they're giving you otherwise, they're lying. They're either lying to you, or lying to themselves. Now I'm not saying people can't attempt at being fully authentic, but right from the start, all people have a defined exterior many continuously mold until they've almost mastered their outer shell. After some time has passed, various lengths for various folks, people typically begin to show the real them. I do believe this time of pretence is crucial, however. Perhaps many relationships wouldn't survive if the hormonal woman gave a dose of reality from day one. Scary shit, right boys?

But here's the real kicker, we're now living in a world where more and more people are living via computer screens. No longer are people lying at bars or somewhere else in public. The cleverly created 'about me' blurb and the magic of the delete bar makes way for a perfected displayed version of themselves most commoners manage to convey to a tee. Lamentably, the innocent exaggeration (aka deception) eventually comes to pass when the distorted blurb and photoshopped image - undeniably leading to false expectations - is sitting across from you at the safe-date coffee shop. Certainly in this day and age, many can relate to this aww-crap moment. Scary shit, right girls?

Boldly speaking, if you want to meet that person, it often takes figuring out who you are, genuinely displaying you as best as is humanly possible, and perhaps going about it the old fashioned way. Maybe try taking a stroll outside with a donut and cup o' joe in tow. I know, I know, how will veracity benefit our perfected artifice? Scary shit, right people?

1 comment:

Wallaces said...

The scary thing is how awesomely you convey a message. I am constantly amazed at how you take an idea that everyone knows, and give it back to use in a fun, refreshing, authentic way.