I found myself in a precarious position this past weekend. I seem to manage to do this quite frequently. So it's no longer an awkward or uncomfortable place for me anymore. I've learned to embrace my inability for censorship. I'd like to think I'm just a master of fluidity. Unfortunately, the victims of my mastery probably don't feel at ease with my self-proclaimed supremacy in this area. My response: Deal with it. Or ignore it. Or please, feel free to tell me like it is, if need be. Which segways me into my point. (Mind you, tangents are a regular part of my communication. Without it, I'd be coined mute.)
A week ago, I was seriously, and rather harshly, put in my place by a guy, of whom I barely know. We were out with a group of mutual friends, and he straight out, called me on my 'inappropriate' sarcasm. Thing is, he didn't recognize that my sarcastic response was said in jest. As it goes, his response to me was not said in jest. Basically, he ranted on about how he didn't appreciate my comments, and he believed I was just being "cocky" and in the future, it's best not to say things in a manner that will piss him off.
Wow dude. Seriously, relax. But even though a big part of me was shocked and annoyed with his off-the-wall interpretation of my previous remarks, there was the bigger part of me that genuinely appreciated his feedback. Because how many people are honest and to the point these days? Not many.
Amazingly enough, I end up in the same venue this past weekend with Mr. Honesty. I have to say, we've found a common ground and are in pretty good terms at this point. We've since had a laugh or two over our original encounter. But, and naturally, our candidness remains on a continuum.
Upon his arrival, Mr. Honesty somehow manages to corner me onto a couch (refrain from dirty thoughts) and a lengthy conversation ensues. I really can't recall the nature of how he smoothly transitioned us into this unfortunate situation, but he did. And let me point out, I am not into this dude. I am, however, beginning to think he's into me. Eff! We eventually get into a discussion about dating & relationships, and I manage to get the cajones to let him know that I could potentially be interested in another person across the room.
Can you say shock! Well, say it. Because it's true. Mr. Honesty is in complete disbelief that I've disregarded his 'come ons' altogether and let him into a world that is generally not shared with men who are, shall we say, a practical stranger, and one who has expressed interest. You want to guess what he had to say about my diarrhea of the mouth? I'll spare you the suspense:
"Um, okay. Did you just tell me you have interest in "him"? Are we not having good conversation right now? I really thought we were hitting it off. Wow. I've never met anybody like you before. Aren't we hitting it off?"
Me: "Sorry."
I was essentially rendered speechless. Oh hell! (Why, why why exactly? (FYI, one of my very favorite FOTC lyrics!)) Really though, how and why do these things happen to me? Probably because I really do "just say it." If you can't stand the heat bitches....!
Here's the positive, he now knows I'm not interested in him.
Now about that guy from across the room.
To be continued....
1 comment:
Oh Man. I wish I was either there to see that or sat across from you in Barnes and Nobles listening to you tell it. That would have been sooo good.
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