Just so you know, Californians are pissed about this latest 'news' story. I too don't see the stability in it, and can fully understand all the rage coming from Californians, where much of the money needed to raise these 14 children could fall on the shoulders of California's taxpayers, compounding the public furor in a State already billions of dollars in the red.
STOP! (Just for a second.)
I am really troubled by the outcry I've heard from several friends who just cannot understand or comprehend how this woman could do such a thing, and how and why should their pocketbooks be responsible for her lunatic behavior. Frankly, here's what I say: suck it up and take this time to recognize the real problem in California (and in the US of A as a whole for that matter.)
The real outrage: How and why does this story make headlines? As absurd as it is, I'll give you the numbers that should make the TOP of the headlines:
-115,000 kids in the foster care system in California alone.
-500,000 in care nationwide; 800,000 "served" - in other words, kids are floating from their abusive homes, only to be placed back in their abusive homes -
Why? Not enough non-abusive homes willing to welcome these kids in. It's not my responsibility. You're right, it sure isn't, just like Nadya Suleman and her children are not your responsibility either. But guess what, news flash people!! Yes it is. It is our tax money that supports this system, including paying adults who, at times, are shamefully abusing the children in their care. Unfortunately, there is no perfect system. But gratefully, we have great people who open up their homes to these children, and my guess, it's not these people who are ranting on about Nadya Suleman. They understand there are bigger fish to fry....
Then again, the responsibility should lie with the biological parents, correct? If you're going to have children, raise your own children! I agree. In a perfect, Utopian society, absolutely, 110%, yes. The thing is, most people rave on about 'parental responsibility' when they don't want to hear about the shocking and very real "statistics." Sadly, these numbers are real displaced, and real abused children.
And to add more fuel to this fire, here's news flash #2: Most, if not all, of these kids come from low-income families who are already receiving public assistance. Surprised? I bet you're not. So now, and please ensure you're sitting down for this, we have families receiving the precious taxpayers dollars, and their children who are placed into care, are now, in addition to their parent(s), receiving the glorious taxpayers money too! "Tell them what they've won, Johnny!" This includes, but is not limited to: State Social Services funding, Private Agency funding, medical assistance, Social Security benefits, licensing fees to run the licensed foster homes, licensing fees to run the massively expensive group homes, and not to mention, the countless other mental health/wraparound services that are doing their best to help solve this 'little' problem. Quite pricey, eh?
Ask yourself, who should we be talking about: Nadya Suleman - a woman who is taking care of her own children (w/public assistance), albeit, in her own home, and as far as we know, in an abuse-free environment - OR, should the focus be on the shameful foster care system and on the thousands of abused children who would love to have their stories told? You tell me. Personally, I think it's fairly evident. And if you're sole worry is still your taxdollars, lay off of Nadya dummy, that's merely a drop in the bucket.
1 comment:
Yes, I agree with you....yes we do have bigger fish to fry...but this lady has put herself out there...spoken to the media and she is becoming the focus. In reality, how the HELL is she going to physically, emotionally, pschologically going to be able to handle all of these kids!!!???? I don't judge her...I feel sorry for her. WHOA! Who knows...if she cannot "handle" them...the state might find it reasonable to take them out of her care. Who knows?
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