I think I'll make this entire blog about the pondering of a single gal in the city. It appears to be heading in this direction anyway. Eventually, it may shift, but for now I'll continue to be frank about the many relationship opinions I have. Though, the opinions don't stop here people. I'd like to think my brain functioning is fairly multifaceted. I could give a view on most anything, and present it much more persuasively than the general populace. Which, might I add, I do not believe I am always right either. I would imagine I'm far from it. But don't many of us find it easy to convince ourselves how right we are half of the time? (or the majority of the time for you malaperts!) My advice to you: shut up and eat a banana.
Unfortunately, when we stand up on our soapbox, we set ourselves up for a dismal, ill-fated, shitty existence. Being judgmental of others is a really good example. So many people stay true to their kind, by looking down on others, both with a poor attitude and small perspective, but in the end, and because of their inability to be open, leave ample room for a thirst quenching that's way out of their reach - It goes without saying, many never quite taste the intoxicating rich flavor of what's out there for everyone to grasp. If that's you, good luck with your boring life. I'm sure most of us have friends or acquaintances who have a level of arrogance and small-mindedness beyond question, not surprising that these same people are often bitter about their 'shortcomings.' (Not hating on these poor souls. I'm not advocating hate on this blog either. Go on and love these suckas - Lord knows they need it most.)
"Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter." MJ/P. McCartney, 1982. Recite these words when you feel the need to bitch slap your arrogant friend/wife/grandpa/sister/dog/neighbor/[insert your very own personal annoyance here].
(Just trying to offer some assistance, and a rocking tune; violence is never the answer.)
As it goes, I frequently have an internal chuckle when I cross paths with some loco who very, very deeply believes he is the God of know how. Get a grip my friend. The likelihood of right and wrong being what it may, is not very likely. I could be very wrong in this very right I've just exclaimed. But whatever the case may be, I am a firm believer in staying true to yourself. If this little dilemma can be figured out in this lifetime, you've won, and could potentially, be the only one right discovered here on this fickle Earth.
Life's Equation
True to self + Openness to others = Right of discovery
(FYI, you've just experienced a tangent.) This stream of consciousness has allowed for a 'shift' sooner than I had anticipated. As promised, more relationship spiels to come.
1 comment:
"Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter." MJ/P. McCartney, 1982. Recite these words when you feel the need to bitch slap your arrogant [Highschoolers].
Thanks Debs, MJ and Mr McCartney. I will do this.
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